Integrative Coaching

Integrative coaching means for you as a client to get access to a unique combination of modalities that can support you in the best possible way in realising your developmental wishes.

After I tell you about my methods, you will find below all the details about my holistic (integrative) approach to therapy and more information about how coaching with me works.

I would be happy to support you in finding the courage to make real change.

Change is always one decision and one action away. 

I have made the real experience of sustainable change myself and my passion is to accompany you in the fulfilment and implementation of your personal change process.

Change in society begins with change of the individuals.


Be the change you want to see in your life. 

(Mahatma Ghandi)


The Methods:

EFT – Emotional Freedom Technique

As an integrative coach, I work with you using the EFT method when emotional blocks prevent you from your desired personality development.

EFT stands for Emotional Freedom Technique and is primarily a stress reduction technique.

EFT is also known as “tapping”. However, this linguistic simplification does little justice to this complex method.

During an EFT treatment, dysfunctional emotional patterns in the client’s feelings, thoughts and behaviour can be identified and non-beneficial reactions and cognitions can be permanently neutralised. 

Simultaneous stimulation of acupuncture points and other sensory stimuli can change neural networks. As a result, clients regain emotional control and self-efficacy.

You can find more details about EFT on my alternative practitioner psychotherapy page or under this link.

Clinical EFT draws on a high number of scientifically published control studies.

This modality can very efficiently support coaching processes.

The distinction from therapy is the absence of a diagnosis of a disorder with disease value, which will be clarified in the coaching process prior to the start of the collaboration.

Coaching does not replace psychotherapy.

For sessions in my region in Germany I invite you to my own practice in the Hildesheim area.

For clients further away or situated abroad I offer EFT online sessions.

Integrative Health Coaching

Holistic well-being through analysis of current life circumstances.

„Live a life you love!”

IIN is the largest training institute for the Licensed Integrative Nutrition Health Coach.

There are now 155,000 IIN Health Coaches in 175 countries around the world.

The IIN curriculum encompasses a modern holistic approach to health.

An IIN Health Coach accompanies his or her clients to find out in which areas of life health imbalances prevail. An in-depth analysis of the client’s life habits and circumstances reveals these imbalances very effectively and brings the interactions of the individual areas of life into the awareness of the person being coached.

The goal of an IIN Health Coach is to find realistic ways with the client to achieve a stable state of health, quality of life and life satisfaction through personal changes in behaviour and thus to contribute to the positive transformation of the world.

The bio-individuality of the human being is always recognised. What suits one person is an absolute no-go for another. 

Certified Health Coaches are now an important and dynamically growing part of the US health sector and are taking on an increasingly forward-looking role in solving the massive health challenges facing the US.

The holistic approach of a health coach is a new complementary offer for clients in Germany and in many other countries around the world and an invitation to each individual to use this knowledge to think anew about health and the role and personal responsibility of the individual in lifestyle, prevention and recovery.

If you are also interested in the IIN training, as part of the IIN alumni network I am able to provide you with further information and a discount on the training fees.

Evolutionary-Coaching (Richard Barrett)

Richard Barrett’s concept of Evolutionary Coaching is based on an extension of Maslow’s model of needs.

The aim of this new coaching approach is to raise awareness that growth is a choice and that every person has the capacity for self-actualisation that can pave the way to a fulfilled life.

In Evolutionary Coaching we analyse together the client’s values.

Values are governors for the actual core motivators of the human being. They are the impetus for following our individual path of life and growth.

When we know what needs drive us and what seems “valuable” to us, we are able to re-examine our inhibiting conditioning and the associated emotions that have shaped our vita and made us the person we are today. We recognise behavioural patterns of the past.

We identify why we hold ourselves back and cannot achieve the life of our desire.

Cognitive re-evaluations are consciously perceived, self-actualisation can begin, the path to a self-determined life and one’s own goals can be realistically pursued.


PSYCH-K® is the name for a non-invasive, interactive change process with which we can purposefully change limiting belief patterns in our own lives – be it in our private life or in our profession. We use the kinesiological muscle test as a biofeedback system of the body.

Psych-K® is also called a spiritual method with positive psychological benefits, because another goal is to regain access to spiritual consciousness.

You can find more information about the background on the Psych-K® websites.



The process of Integrative Coaching

For me, integrative coaching is the unity of empirical knowledge, evidence-based methods, integration of the spiritual dimension and, as a foundation, the identification of imbalances in the overall system of the human habitat.

Coaching offers people in challenging circumstances and situations an opportunity to find their own strength.

From my cognitive-sober basic attitude, I excluded an important component from my life until my personal low point: the spiritual dimension.

The perception of one’s own undogmatic spirituality can be a significant health factor.

This is clear from the rapid increase in scientific publications on the effects of spiritual life habits (meditation practices, mindfulness exercises, etc.) and their beneficial effects on health.

Today, there is a lot of talk about mindfulness. 

Mindfulness is another word for awareness.

Awareness is the basis of understanding and our drive, the platform to take our life into our own hands, make plans, follow action steps and create change.

In the safe space of my practice safespaceforchange this becomes possible.

I offer you my services as a non-medical practitioner of psychotherapy if a diagnosable disorder with disease value hinders you in your development. 

For my clients’ wishes for change, the accompanying integrative coaching approach has proven itself, combining all the methods described above.

In the coaching process we look together at where you as a client are today in your psychological development and what obstacles are hindering you in your striving for happiness and self-realisation. Based on your individual coaching process, you develop where you really want to go.

We make realistic and realisable agreements on how you can realise your aspirations.

A fundamental success factor of a successful change process between coach and coachee is trust and intrinsic drive of the clients to take responsibility for themselves.

Coaching is not paid for by the social security system and is therefore your private investment in your development.

We can work together online, by phone or in person. I work with clients all over the world.

I do not make diagnoses in coaching, but due to my training as a non-medical psychotherapist I am able to identify disorders with disease value according to the definitions of the World Health Organisation.

My basic offer can begin with a 30-minute free and non-binding get-to-know-you conversation.

Here we can look at your individual life situation, your motivation and your goals together.

If you and I would like to work together after this conversation, we will begin our journey of discovery in the direction of your aspirations.


Duration of the coaching and fee

The possibility of coaching online and even by phone allows us to work together quickly and flexibly.

Depending on the challenge presented, even short coaching sessions are often very effective for clients. 

Again, I would like to point out that the dividing line between the need for therapy and the support I offer is often very blurred, but my coaching offer is strictly aimed at clients who are not in need of therapy and who are highly self-motivated to change.



The fee for my services will be discussed with you in detail before the contract is signed and depends on your desired goal. 

When determining the amount of the fee, I also consider your personal economic situation. 

I deliberately make the fee determination flexible. I want as many clients as possible to be able to afford the supposed “luxury” of coaching.

After our meeting to get to know each other, I will provide you with binding information about the amount of your investment in yourself.


For Leadership Persons